Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Irshad Manji : "UK is very, very messed up"

This is from one year ago. Is Manji and Salim Mansur and Fatah, all intelligent Canadian muslims, also bigoted.... like moi is labelled to be ??? Hmmmmmmmmmmm


  1. I love Irshad!

    She's one of the voices that need to be heard if there's going to be peace in the world.

    Glad you put this up. i hadn't seen it before, but it reinforces some of what I wrote about here.


  2. Richard .. good article.
    And, yes, Manji is admired by many for her clear vision and thoughts. We do have some very intelligent Canadian muslims we are all proud of. YAY


    Loga'A ... I have left a comment at your blog. You won't like it. But that's just me, raw and unbridled, take it or leave it.
    However, I must admit you have some knowledgable debaters going at it at your review.


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