Thursday, November 18, 2010

Faster, faster England ...... your days are numbered ....... Part Twenty Four

How lovely ... everything looks so normal on the surface when you cast your eyes towards England. The handsome royal couple announcing their engagement and everybody rushing to make souvenirs bearing the image of the engaged couple and the talking heads on the telly  proclaiming that England will get out of the slump this Christmas BECAUSE souvenirs of the engaged couple will make BILLIONS of Sterling Pounds as every Tom, Dick and Mary and probably even Mohammed and Fatima will be buying nothing but these special souvenirs. Someone at YahooNews is totally in love with the royal couple and has been putting up pics showing them giving loving looks and smiles and if I have to look at another one of those pics... I swear, I am going to completely lose it. Enough with the love story.

England might get a good, intelligent King and a beautiful Queen right ? At long last people can put aside their worries about the chinless one inheriting the crown... right ? Good for England... right ? Not so quick. The slide downhill started long ago and no number of engagement announcements or coronations can turn back the tide. England is lost and you better believe it. It's just like the ground before an earthquake.... nothing stirs for a while, silence all around ....... and then...... civil war. This is not called fearmongering... it's called perception and common sense and even a dodo like me can see it coming.  It's still a free world, so you can of course skip along with the unicorns and marvel at the rainbows.... while you can.

1) This is the reason why England is going bankrupt. Hate preacher gets five bedroom council house + 2800 pounds per month + 40K in home renovations. Believe it, it's happening. For us here in Canada, we have to look on UK for lessons worth learning if we want to keep Canada from becoming Canadistan.

2) Shia Muslims use a five-bladed chain called a Zanjeer to whip their own backs and make cuts in their foreheads with razor blades in homage to their faith.

3) Honor killing in London ... Banaz Mahmod, 20, an Iraqi Kurd from Mitcham, south London, was strangled in January 2006 and her body buried in a suitcase in Handsworth, Birmingham....

4) In one programme on the Islam Channel, ". which broadcasts on Sky and Freesat, the presenter of a discussion of sex within marriage said that "it shouldn't be such a big problem where the man feels he has to force himself upon the woman

During another programme, a woman phoned in to ask if she had the right to hit a violent husband back. The presenter responded: "In Islam we have no right to hit the woman in a way that damages her eye or damages her tooth or damages her face or makes her ugly. Maximum what you can do, you can see the pen over here, in my hand, this kind of a stick can be used just to make her feel that you are not happy with her."

5) Muslim student leaders say changes to tuition fees in England could breach Islamic rules on finance, which do not permit interest charges

6) A mosque has been linked to a hate campaign . Evidence shows Ahmadiyya Muslims are being demonised and ostracised by UK Islamic fundamentalist group Khatme Nabuwat, whose hardline clerics have been preaching in south London mosques. causing a dangerous rift in south London’s Muslim community

7) ... The al-Qaeda supporter — caged for inciting hatred and raising funds for terrorism — got a hero's welcome from 50 bearded cronies at the gates of Pentonville nick in North London. Izzadeen, 35 — who shot to fame in 2006 when he roared down Home Secretary John Reid in public — climbed on to the prison's ten-foot wall to give a rabble-rousing speech to his demented band of followers. And he called for a boycott of the poppy, worn to commemorate our troops' sacrifices in conflicts.....

8) A 13 year old kid gets death threats from 12 year old moslems for sympathizing with dead war heroes and is now removed from the school by his mother fearing for her son's  life and the kid is afraid to ever wear a poppy ever again. From his last name I think his father is a sikh from India.


  1. Are they asking for us to rise up against them? Is that becoming our only option?

  2. Stunning isn't it? That's always how it is and has been throughout history. Aggressiveness is second nature to the moslems.


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