Saturday, November 13, 2010

Calling the Hon.Stockwell Day, will the Chairman of the Treasury Board come to the front desk please

Please tell us you did not sign off anything that has given taxpayers hard-earned money to those who espouse hatred towards the Jewish people and want to annihilate the State of Israel.  Please tell us it ain't so.  If it's not your Department of Treasury that allocates funds to these organizations that deal largely in hate, then who is responsible for this gross mishandling of taxpayers' money?

WE THE PEOPLE want to know.

In the 1st quarter of 2010 the Arabian Muslim Association and the Edmonton Islamic Academy received $69,008.00 & $30,096.00 respectively under the federal government's "Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Pilot (SIP) Program." ...
The SIP Program's purpose is to "Improve and enhance the safety of Canadian communities at risk of hate-motivated crime through the enhancement of their security infrastructure .....

.... you can sift through the entire site for the word "Zionist" - it's a goldmine of Jew Hate and I assure you it's impossible to miss. That's not surprising given the WICS statement on matters political in the Islamic world:.....

Dear readers, please write to the the Hon. Stockwell Day and mark your copies to the rest shown below. Most of  the names are MPs from Edmonton and all are Conservative with the exception of MP Duncan who is NDP.   When it is clear to you that our govt. is doing something that the majority of us do not agree with, we have to let them know.  It's your duty as a responsible and concerned citizen.,,,,,,,,


  1. It just makes me, as an Ontarian, laugh now when I read about Alberta and their type of lib, sorry alledged conservatives they have been voting for all these years. Especially as they are so good at pointing the finger at Ontario. Like yours my list starts with Harper the hypocrite.

  2. A simple google would clarify who is running the program.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. L - with the kind of insight and intelligence you have, you should have your own "errorless" blog .... don't you think?
    Dodos like me have our own way of determining the probability of who would be most instrumental in stopping the govt. coffers from running dry.
    And, just in case, you were hellbent on showing how smart you are as compared to Dodo, in google searches, and missed the Public Safety Minister's name in the email list.... it's there. Take another look.

  5. L - Followed your link next time look more closely

    Our minister Vic Toews


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