Friday, October 8, 2010

Splattergate should be an eye opener to see how loony the left has become

The environmentalists have gone stark raving nuts. Greenpeace goes around the world looking to hire young people who are prime candidates for the nearest loony bin and gives them backpacks and walking shoes and lets them loose on normal, decent folks. The film maker of Splattergate takes the cake. She should be put in a strait jacket and locked away for good.

Here's Biased BBC blog with yet another connection to splattergate.

Here's Hunter of Climbing Out of the Dark with a reply she got from one of the sponsors of Splattergate.

Here's Michelle Malkin today   on the gory stuff

And, to think that horrendous piece was done on taxpayers' money?  The film maker is a blasted woman who just did not see how wrong it was to depict kids being blown up. The crazy environmentalists and the rest of us are living in two different worlds and never the Twain shall meet.

1 comment:

  1. So do you think this will now stop Harper giving $400 mill to the global warming freaks. Some how I don't think so.


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