Monday, October 4, 2010

Shariah Finance... the Trojan Horse deep inside Canada courtesy our own citizens .. .. Part XIII

(Continuance of my research and findings on shariah finance and Canadian financial institutions aka Canadian financial traitors)

The shill for shariah finance is at it again. Now, in this new vid he talks to BNN's Bollard. See how he admits that there is not much demand for Sharia Finance in Canada with the Canadian Moslem community, but this shill wants to start educating the Canadian moslems about it and get them to go for sharia finance products, probably by making them think that they are not abiding by their religious doctrines if they deal with their financial needs the Canadian way. There should be a law against such people who are purposely doing their best to keep moslems from assimilating with the rest of us.  After listening to the vid, you will also come to the conclusion that our Business News Network (BNN) is totally unaware of what exactly shariah finance happens to be, or at least Pat Bollard has not done his homework as he should have, and that is a shame.... a big one, because they are suppose to know such basic things given that it is a business channel.

I  guess you know that our Canadian stock exchanges offer "shariah" index funds or Ethical Funds or whatever kind of a taqiyyah name they have for them and our Toronto Stock Exchange security commission has swallowed the taqiyyah hook, line and sinker and are waiting with open mouths for more. Yup ! How about that!!

If you have been reading my series on shariah finance, then  you  know that shariah finance has to be done away with. WE DO NOT WANT SHARIAH FINANCE IN CANADA. It is not the Canadian way.... remember that. If Canada becomes what UK and the rest of Europe has already become, the guilt you will feel then will do you no good. The time is now for your voice to be heard.

Start the awareness program by talking to your MPs and spread the word to your family and to everyone on your mailing lists. Get people to watch this video at YouTube:

in which Joy Brighton, an expert in such finances, explains clearly what shariah finance represents.

I give below the contacts where you can write and explain your concerns. You have the power to keep an evil ideology from enslaving your descendants, all it takes is that you use that power it in the right direction and at the right time and the time is now.

Minister of Finance
The Honourable James M. Flaherty
Department of Finance Canada
140 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5 or email him at:

Minister of Treasury
The Honourable Stockwell Day
202-301 Main Street, (Main Office)
Penticton, British Columbia V2A 5B7 or email him at:

make a copy to:
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
K1A 0A2 Fax: 613-941-6900 or EMail:

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