Saturday, October 9, 2010

He is not one of us.... throw him out

Have you ever come across a Conservative who is pro-pedophile and thinks that rape isn't lethal? He has probably never met the victims of pedophiles and rapists, if they were left alive ... and that's saying the least.

.....What follows is a comprehensive look at the evidence.

After reading the remainder of this post, David Frum will no longer be able to smugly turn a blind eye to his protege’s depravity. Knepper’s Internet footprints extend well beyond the conservative blogosphere, and there is no shortage of proof that his defenses of pedophiles and rapists are not merely intellectual exercises, but pleas for validation of his own evil impulses.

First, a brief overview of the already publicized material depicting Knepper’s profoundly disturbing ideas about sex:....

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