Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Faster, faster England ... you are almost there ...... Part Eighteen

Whatever is being done now to stop or turn back the tide is too little, too late.

The National Security Strategy said Britain was entering an “age of uncertainty” and faced a “different and more complex range of threats from a myriad of sources.”

“During the Cold War we faced an existential threat from a state adversary through largely predictable military or nuclear means. We no longer face such predictable threats,” it said.

The report also said there needed to be “much more emphasis on spotting emerging risks and dealing with them before they become crises.”

Al-Qaeda remains the “principal current national security threat” but the document says that other ideologies could arise that give rise to violent movements among immigrant populations in Britain.

“In the future some regionally based ideologies could affect us through our role as an international ‘hub’, through the engagement of some among our diaspora populations or through driving conflict which impacts on our interests,” the document warns.

“It is a realistic possibility that in the next ten years, extremists motivated by new ideologies or narratives could cross the line between advocacy and terrorism.” .....................
CBN's report on "the danger of islam in UK"


  1. Well I wouldn't worry the same thing is happening in Canada helped by the justice system.


  2. Pissedoff ... I disagree. In Canada, because we have already started talking about the problem and voicing our concerns to the govt. we will be able to escape the UK's and most of the EU's fate.
    I am confident we can do this if there are enough of us to go hammering after the politicians to change our immigration policies pronto.
    I hope you are doing your part by writing to Jason Kenney, Vic Toews, the PM and the leaders of the other parties.


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