Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ezra Levant has got it right as usual

There were times, before miraculously I found I could rant to my heart's content on a blog of my own, when I used to ring CBC on almost a daily basis to tell them that they were traitors. There was not a single day when I could sit through even 10 minutes of the CBC without feeling the urge to scream at someone or finding more  @#^%*&%$   kind of words to fling at the CBC newscasters. If the TV set in the house didn't belong to another member in the family, my rage would have killed that set long, long ago. Every time the CBC showed that photograph that made the killer look like an innocent schoolboy, my hackles would rise straight up and I could actually feel the hotness coming from my nostrils. I know that there are many of us in Canada who still feel the same. Suffice to say, when a terrorist attack happens on Canadian soil, we will know who should bear the burden of blame and the shame.    (The cartoon by MacKay is from early 2009 when Obama was visiting Canada)
....The twin headquarters of  Khadr’s fanclub are the Canadian Bar Association and the CBC. According to its website, the CBC has produced 1,700 stories about Khadr. The Dalai Lama only gets 1,550 and Nelson Mandela, 1,070. Unlike Khadr, they’re not useful in undermining the legitimacy of the war on terror, including the Canadian Forces and CSIS.

And lobbying for Khadr has been the Canadian Bar Association’s highest political priority. The CBA remained only secret admirers of Khadr for the first four years of his incarceration, because that’s when the prime minister and justice minister were Liberals.

The CBA could only gaze at the picture of Khadr in their locker, doodling his name in their diaries. What a relief when the Conservatives took office, and their love for Khadr could be sung from the mountaintops, in over 100 public statements.

Khadr will return the favour to the profession. The Jew-hating murderer has filed a $10-million lawsuit against the Canadian government. That’s a lot of fees for a lot of lawyers.

There are too many Khadr fans to list. But Judy Rebick’s blog entry from this summer is outstanding. Change the name “Omar Khadr” to “Justin Bieber,” and it could have been ripped from an issue of Teen Beat. “My heart aches for Omar Khadr,” wrote Rebick, comparing him to Mandela, and lauding his “courage and dignity.”..
In other news the lovable Khadr, the dreamboy of CBC and the CBA and of Iggy and Bob Rae and of Jack Layton and Olivia Chow  admits to being "happy" when he heard he had killed an US soldier.

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