Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bomb on plane was meant to explode over Britian ...

so thinks David Cameron, UK's honcho. Now, why would an islamic nut want to harm a country that is going to be their very own very soon?

David Cameron said he believed the device was constructed to detonate while the aircraft was in flight. He said a plot to blow it up over British soil could not be ruled out.

The Prime Minister's dramatic intervention came as the investigation into the plot was centring on one of al-Qaeda's most senior commanders.

US and British security officials believe Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born figurehead of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) was behind the foiled attack in which two ink cartridge bombs, posted in Yemen, were intercepted in Britain and Dubai on the way to America.

Al-Awlaki, who is in hiding in Yemen, is regarded by the CIA and MI6 as the driving force behind the transformation of AQAP from a regional group into an international terrorist organisation.

A woman was arrested in Yemen on suspicion of posting the packages. Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's president, said information that identified the woman had been provided by the US and the United Arab Emirates........

1 comment:

  1. Another useless politician trying to make himself look good. The package was addressed to some Jewish organization in Chicago and was intended to do damage to the recipient. Of course no politician in Englandstan would ever want to point out that some jihadist organization would ever attack a Jew.


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