Sunday, September 26, 2010

What exactly is Shariah and what is Shariah Finance and what are Shariah Laws ? .......... Part X

(Continuance of my research and findings on shariah finance and Canadian financial institutions aka Canadian financial traitors)

No matter what anyone tries to tell you, remember this: The introduction of Sharia Finance in our country is a sure-fire way of gaining a very strong foothold inside the economy and thus the heart of Canada. PERIODShariah embeds itself like a cancer, by stealth .... and the easiest way for this evil to permeate into our society is through shariah finance.

It's very important that you read this and educate others too, not only about shariah finance but all other aspects of shariah, some of which are already here in Canada under the guise of political correctness.  Go through the lists provided at the link and see for yourself  how England and the EU  let this menace take over their countries. Shariah started small in England , just like over here in Canada.  Now, in England it is going to be next to impossible to turn the tide of islamization without a bloody all-out civil war. If you want to save Canada from a similar fate, you better educate yourself and your family and friends.... even at the risk of being ridiculed as a hatemonger or a conspiracy nut.

There are also some videos towards the bottom of the link where Robert Spencer and Wafa Sultan talk about Shariah laws. Spencer tells of how shariah laws have crept into universities across USA .... and I fear by now in many of our own universities here in Canada.

Please take the time to read through the link and send it on to others.

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