Monday, September 20, 2010

This and That for Monday's reading

What!!! Green jobs no longer in fashion..... what do we do with all the wind turbines now .... my oh my Another leftie idea plummets down the black hole of stupidity.  Give up keeping count, there are far too many lefty ideas being flushed away these days.

Boycott AirCanada and fly RyanAir. Why you ask? Because their boss said: "the idea that man-made pollution is heating up the planet is "horseshit".   Isn't that enough for you?  Thank you God for still creating manly men.

UK's PM ... big job but pay cheque smaller than what 9000+ others get on the public payroll

An American woman who was held in Iran has been released, however the two guys she was hiking with when all three were arrested, have not..

This could be just a rumour about Hezbollah militiamen being secretly deployed to the Christian region of Lebanon getting ready for a coup. .........h/t: Irene

German woman goes stark raving bonkers in a hospital ... no, not a mental one. Kills three and injures others.

46% of Canadians want to scrap the long-gun registry according to a new poll, reports Toronto Sun.

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