Thursday, September 23, 2010

Some articles are worth reading again after 5 years ....

if only to remind us of what would have happened if the Canadian progressives with their shills like Marion Boyd and Barbara Hall had got their way and introduced sharia courts in Ontario. For those moslems who don't like the Canadian system of law, let's start a fund to help them migrate to another country of their choice where they can wallow in sharia courts and sharia laws and homo hangings and women stonings all they want and hopefully take Hall, Boyd and lots of progressives with them as well. Good riddance and please let the door hit you solid on your way out !

I recommend all readers of my blog to please find the time to read through these articles because it is important that we need to keep these things fresh in our minds to be better able to fight them successfully when they crop up again and believe you me,  they will !!!  The moslems are waiting for an opportunate time to spring such trickery on us again and the next time will not be in Toronto.   If you are not from Toronto, don't get on a high horse and think it won't happen in your own city. I believe there are many untoward events and other stuff already happening in Edmonton of all places.... so sharia inroads can happen anywhere, it does not have to be only in  Lib or NDP controlled cities or Provinces.

Margaret Wente on Sep 8, 2005 "Whistling sharia while we go completely off our rocker"

Margaret Atwood on Sep 10, 2005 before she went senile and completely bonkers on the SUN TV issue, she could make pretty good sense. What happened Ms Atwood ?

Tarek Fatah Aug 12, 2005 .'Keep sharia law out of Canadian judicial system" Fatah gets called all sort of names by his fellow moslems in the comments.

Shiela Copps on Dec 24, 2004 "Sharia law is a danger to women....."

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