Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rob Ford in the lead and getting stronger and stronger with each passing day

Another City Counciller endorses Rob Ford.   Everybody else, take a number and stand in the queue. The queue is getting longer and longer and extends from one end of Toronto to the other. The runaway polls in favor of Rob Ford are a clear indicator of  how  angry the residents are with the Lib govt and the Labor Unions they are joined to at the hip. This in a way, is also a hard slap at McGuinty and what he has done and is still doing to Ontario.  We the  residents of this city have long awaited someone like Ford to make an appearance, so this miracle is not going away.   Lefties live with it, or as some of you have been saying pompously that you will leave Toronto ....... please LEAVE.

Today's poll at CP24 is showing that Rob Ford is the candidate the voters trust the most and the trustworthiness is  way, way, way ahead of Smitherman by more than 50% . Goes to show what we think of Smitherman right ? 

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