Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rob Ford, can you kindly please tear that lying Smitherman to smithereens

What are the Liberals really, really, really, really, really good at? Lying of course !!!! Smitherman does the only thing he knows how to do best ... LIE

This lying Liberal is trying to hijack Rob Ford's platform. This lying Liberal thinks we are going to forget how lying Liberals keep robbing Torontonians day in and day out. Just looking at my property tax bills and the assessments that they so happily slap on properties without any input from the residents themselves, is making my blood boil. I gotta stop here and take a breather or else I am prone to say all those $@#!&^*( ^%$$#@    *&^%(*   relief bringing words.

When Liberals open their mouths to speak..... the only words that come out from their lying mouths are made up of the letters found in the word LIBERALS.      LIE,  LIES,  LIARS


  1. Other than the Toronto Star readers, residents living downtown who would believe George?

    The electoral map in 2006 shows Liberals failed to stop the David Miller express.

    Rob should do well in Etobicoke, North York, 600k voters between the Miller and Tory.

    The left will have to divide the 300k between Rossi, Smitherman, Pantalone, Thompson etc.

  2. I just finished watching the debate on the Steve Paikin show. Rob Ford must have picked up some more followers after this one. Smitherman came across as slimy and sly as he is ... no surprise to anyone with eyes in their head and two cells of thinking matter in their skulls.


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