Monday, September 13, 2010

The Portland Press Halal

They are too late with the apology. The butt-licking of the cavemen by the MSM continues with more of their never-ending taqiyya, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Can you imagine any media other than a hard-hard-hard-left one, publishing  prominently on their front page no less, an article lauding the celebration of the end of ramadan ?    Editor and Publisher, Richard Connor's taqiyya apology is laughable.... he and his newspaper knew exactly what they were doing. Only gullible folks will think otherwise.

From the comments to the Editor's long apology, you will conclude correctly, that Portland has a strong contingent of those air-headed lefties and that will lead you to the logical deduction that the newspaper itself is riddled with the same kind of rotten fruit found in our own Toronto Star.

Here's the butt-licking story The Portland Press Halal had as the lead article on Sep 11, 2010. 

via: If you haven't visited Pam Geller's blog recently, you should. She has an excellent coverage with pics of the 9/11 rally. The NYPD did not let her go even one minute beyond the time allocated to their rally, so unfortunately, many of the speakers who were scheduled to speak towards the tail end of the event, were denied the privilege. There's one speech by an American Hindu, Satya Dosapati of Hindu Human Rights Watch,  that Pam has posted in full. Very much worth reading. The point I am still trying to wrap my head around,  is where he says:
Few hundred years ago until Islam invaded, Pakistan and Afghansithan were filled with Buddhists who would rather die than kill even a small animal. Today their descendants are performing barbaric acts under the name of Taliban and perpetrated the brutal acts on 9/11 against our country and killed thousands of innocent citizens. The once peaceful lands are all terrorist countries.
It is a scary thought.  If this plague of islam is not thrown out of the West, then we are condemning our descendants to lives of illiteracy and murder in the near future. Are you okay with that ?

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