Thursday, September 30, 2010

News to chew on far into the night

1) The madness of those who rule over us in Ontario In true Jerry Seinfeld's soup Nazi fashion : "No chocolate milk for you"

2) Military takes over Ecuador Police rampage because their benefits have been cut. They even roughed up the Prez of the country of 13 M and put him in the hospital suffering from tear-gas effects. Yup ... the police forces are not what they used to be, just like everything else, and those who still have jobs and a monthly income are the loudest and the most ferocious for claiming even more. Go figure.

3) A Palestinian Authority court in the West Bank reaffirms death penalty for Palestinians convicted of selling lands to Jews.

4) Future looks bright and sunny for Sarah Palin Yup I think she will be the GOP nominee in 2012

5) Star of David ... now you see it, now you don't


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