Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mostly on radical islam .... either become aware or continue counting the sand grains

1) Germany's Merkel rubs the sleeps from her eyes and  no longer makes like Rip Van Winkle.

2) Brigitte Gabriel on Waking Up to Radical Islam
3) UN Watch goes after Libya Only days after Libya took its seat for the first time as a newly elected member of the 47-nation UN Human Rights Council, UN Watch today launched a global campaign to remove it, bringing some of the world's most well-known victims of Libyan crimes to testify before the assembly of country representatives. Bulgarian nurse Kristyana Valchyeva and Palestinian doctor Ashraf El Hagoug took the floor to speak about their suffering as medical workers in Libya who were framed, imprisoned and tortured over false charges of infecting 400 children with HIV........

4) Palestinian leader Abbas meets with American Jewish community in NY. Abbas framed the meeting as an opportunity “to communicate with you directly without mediators. I would like for us to engage in a dialogue where we listen to each other and where I can respond to your question, because I trust we have one mutual objective to achieve peace.”

5) Dr. Daniel Pipes talks on radical islam

6) The Pastor Jones controversy and the turn the West is taking towards sharia laws.

7) Is the Washington Post misleading it's readers? Honest Reporting does some research and the results are far from surprising to many of us.

8) Ayaan Hirsi Ali gives a resounding speech in Denmark.

9) These are the real MAD fanatics so why is everybody calling Pastor Jones a nut and giving these low lives the pass?

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