Sunday, September 26, 2010

The London Free Press, Ontario, Canada .... does not believe in free speech

Here is the full article that the London Free Press rejected. According to journalist Rory Leishman, the article was supposed to have appeared in their Sep 11 publication but the Press's Managing Editor Joe Ruscitti rejected it. The London Free Press are now submitting to the evil ideology known as islam.

Below is part of the email Leishman sent to his friends to explain why he resigned as a freelancer from the London Free Press.

Dear All: Joe Ruscitti, recently appointed Editor-in-Chief of the London Free Press, has disclosed in his weekly column for the newspaper that I have resigned as a freelance columnist for the Free Press in protest over his decision to censor my last column on Islamist extremism

I have been told by two friends whose judgment I esteem that I have made a mistake in resigning on principle over this matter. Perhaps so, but what is done is done. However, this is not the end of my punditry: I plan to go on working as a freelancer for other news outlets. ...............

Go here to read the indepth shame of this entire episode.

Sad day for Canada and Canadians.

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