Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is this Karma or what !!!!!!!

One of the The Kangaroo Court's main jesters, alongwith his wife, gets hauled up in the court he helped shore up. This gotta be good.

Ezra Levant says we should not gloat at the situation that Richard Moon (yeah... him.... one of the prize jumpers in the row of cheerleaders for the CHRC) sadly finds himself in these days.

Guess who's silly and stupid and sitting in judgement at Mr.& Mrs. Moon's allegedly wrong-doing?  Yup .... the sharia lover Barbara Hall.  What will it take to make this woman go away for good ?

Okay... so no gloating at the Moons' plight out of courtesy to Levant. However, he didn't say anything about not mooning at the Moon

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