Saturday, September 4, 2010

Irrational Left tries to pelt Tony Blair with eggs and shoes

The rotten eggs are throwing away good, edible eggs just because Tony Blair said certain things about certain people and certain ideologues that happens to be the truth. That must be it. Although they are disguising their anger at what he has said in his book and an interview he gave recently, by calling him a "War Criminal". The Left are like vampires, throw some sunlight on them and they go absolutely CARRAZZY !!! Check out the vid and see for yourself if you see any non-crazy person amongst the protestors. If you keep a sharp lookout, you will also see the usual professional .... see how good I was ... I restrained myself from saying "professional wh***s in that sentence and instead  I write this .... "You will also see palestinians or palestinian lovers and their flags".   I surprise myself sometimes on how I can control myself. 

Tony Blair faced a barrage of abuse today as violence broke out between police and anti-war protesters at his first book signing.

Shoes and eggs were pelted at the former prime minister as he arrived at a Dublin book store to promote his controversial memoir, A Journey.

The missiles did not hit Mr Blair, who was heckled and jeered as he emerged from his car.

Angry activists then clashed with gardai as they tried to push down a security barrier outside the Eason store on Dublin's main thoroughfare O'Connell Street. ....

1 comment:

  1. Anybody who plays poker knows how to read his opponent. Saddam Hussein played all his cards on a bluff. He would have won for his nation if he had folded. By not folding his cards, he showed all of us rational beings that the man was totally insane and not capable of playing with a full deck of cards.

    Who would risk his entire country, a second time even, the way he did. Not only did he lose his leadership, he lost his life. His is the biggest global gamble that I can easily recall.

    Tony Blair was right to invade Iraq but wrong in hindsight to attempt a long term amelioration of the radical Muslim situation in Afghanistan

    Everybody forgets that Saddam Hussein waged a protracted war against the United Nations for 11 years. Saddam benefited from the U.N. prescribed "oil for food' boondoggle despite the trade sanctions imposed by the U.N. Saddam pretended to have WMD and us gullible Westerners called the bluff. So What! So What! So What!

    "So What" will be the history of the victor who is yet to be determined. A religion called Islam, a radical political philosophy called Muslim cannot ever be the victors.

    For me I would prefer that, that religion, would go down the sewage drain where it belongs. Here is my big IF. If Islam ignores exclusiveness beyond themselves and accepts rejectionists among themselves then I will accept them as my countrymen. That means, in no uncertain terms, that infidels are accepted as complete brothers by Muslims as citizens of Canada.

    Perhaps some such statement or legal variation ought to be a part of the Canadian citizenship oath.


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