Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I am ashamed of ever having admired Margaret Atwood

Long before making Canada my home, I had read The Handmaid's Tale and liked it very much. As was the practice in my household, my parents always wanted me to relate to them any good book I happened to read, and I remember that both my parents had liked Margaret Atwood's tale as much as I had. I cannot remember how many friends I recommended the book to and how I lauded Atwood at every opportunity. What a fool I was !!! I find it so hard to comprehend that a woman who could write with so much depth and feeling about a human being in bondage, would now in the winter of her life, think that bondage of both mind, spirit and body is something to be treasured and admired.... and something to be  fought for on twitter, blogs and everywhere else. The Margaret Atwood who wrote The Handmaid's Tale  is not the Margaret Atwood of today? Where has the love of freedom to choose and the freedom of speech gone?

SunTV has promised us:

Hard New... Fast, Factual, Investigative: It’s time for us to have a Canadian news leader we can be proud of. Trusted journalists like David Akin and Brian Lilley will break news and drive the agenda. Minute by minute. Hour by hour. Fast, factual investigative news for all Canadians.

SunTV has promised us:
Straight Talk....Clear, colorful, intelligent... Canadians are tired of the same talking heads saying the same things on the same networks. Sun News will cut through the clutter. New voices with new insights – not just an echo chamber – will be announced soon. Colourful, intelligent commentary on the issues that are important to you.

SunTV keep your promises and don't let anybody or anything stand in your way.  We are waiting.  Yes, it is a blow to us that the haters like Atwood and her kind of destroyers managed to achieve Kory Teneycke's resignation.    In the coming days and weeks, I am sure, we will hear of many, many other strong conservative voices joining SunTV.   Even those who were on the sidelines, wondering if they should or shouldn't support the new station, will now queue up to join forces with us.  Wait and see.  What these vile people have actually done is get rid of one great Conservative voice but have unwittingly given us hundreds more.

Margaret Atwood and her band of haters can go climb up a banyan tree and get strangled in it's vines for all we care !!!!


  1. Not everyone ages well, some people become bitter and angry.

    Maggie is entitled to support the separatist party in Quebec.

    She is entitled to vote for censorship of ideas that don't conform to her socialist doctrine.

    Let's hope we age gracefully. Lets hope we don't become useful idiots for American Billionaires political organizations.

  2. The lefties are showing how they talk about tolerance, but in truth are anything but tolerant. They are doing damage, not to Conservatives, but to progressives. This could spawn a tea party up here in Canada, or a majority for the Conservatives, either way, we win!

  3. Maria, just remember that Atwood's idea of 'speaking truth to power' was being inspired to write 'A Handmaid's Tale' by Islam's treatment of women.She changed the antagonists in the book to evangelical, right wing Christian bigots.

    Politics trumped truth because she has an agenda that is heavily skewed to the left.

    She knows better but chooses to play her game..a very myopic and dangerous one at that.


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