Monday, September 13, 2010

Conservative bloggers and commentors, please make note of this .....

very important bit of information. The moslems do not like to be called moslems.  Let's hope you will remember not to address them as moslems.  Try to remember that "moslems" is not the right form of address.  If at all you are obliged to talk about moslems in your future postings or comments, pay keen attention and do  not use the word "moslem" to describe a "moslem" .... no... no need to thank me....  I am always ready and willing to help.

h/t: Irene

1 comment:

  1. Okay, from now on it is Moslem, not Muslim. Funny how Moslem is not recognized as a correct spelling by Firefox, but Muslim is. I guess they have been Muslimized!


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