Friday, September 10, 2010

Bank of Nova Scotia ... another sharia compliant pioneer hot for islamization of Canada......... Part VII

(Continuance of my research into Canada's financial institutions aka Canada's financial traitors and sharia finance.)

I wonder how much Bank of Nova Scotia has contributed, via the  donations to "charities" as mandated by sharia compliance finance,   which charities are routed to terrorists groups and which probably helped the suicide bombings  in Russia or Pakistan or Iraq or Nigeria.   Yes I truly wonder about that and  about how much blood these Canadian sharia compliant banks have on their hands. Thank you Bank of Nova Scotia, traitor by any other name.

Bank of Nova Scotia does not give a damn that they betraying Canada by giving a "toe-hold" to  sharia law. A "toe-hold" today will be a foot-hold tomorrow and before you know it, Canada will be Canadistan.  As long as they can show a massive profit on their books, the sharia money and all monies from the oil-rich nations is begged by these grovelling money-hunger bankers who spend their time on knees before muslim money, without a single qualm about what they are bringing into Canada.  They don't give a damn that they are shackling Canadian citizens to the strengthening position of sharia in Canada.

Canada has been involved in islamic finance for longer than people think. It was back in 1999 that Nova Bancorp launched the nation's first Islamic fund and in November 2006 the Toronto-based FrontierAlt Investment Management Corp launched the first domestic Islamic-based, fully sharia compliant fund. More recently, the firm sold 20% of its equity to an Oman-based financial services corporation, solidifying the link between Canada and the Middle-East.....

Canadian journalists are sadly, extremely naive or totally stupid when it comes to sharia finance and what the concept of sharia actually means and what it can do to a democratic society such as ours.

Here is Colby Cosh in July 2, 2007 writing in the Western Standard ...At first glance, what's most surprising about this is not that banks are looking at Islamic finance, but that it has taken so long in a country with more than 600,000 Muslims. The most obvious move would be the introduction of Islam-compliant home mortgages to Canada, and one small company offering them in Ontario is said to have a 5,000-person waiting list.......

Our journalists, who get their weekly cheques for writing rubbish, think they are way, way, way up there than us bloggers, but I think the unpaid bloggers are the ones who have the passion and the drive to delve deeper into things without just writing something that is fed to them by interested parties.  Colby has got it wrong and so also has the other journalist from Globe & Mail, Tavia Grant, who has shilled more than once for sharia finance. They need to make friends with Google and Yahoo search engines and read both the pros and cons before putting pen to paper.

"I can confirm it's something we're tentatively looking at," said Frank Switzer, In may 2007 :Scotiabank's spokesman, without providing further detail.

Liar !!   The Bank was already knee-deep in sharia finance from 1999. Maybe not aggressively in Canada, but they had already started the ball rolling overseas.

and look UM Financial crops up again:

Demand has been so great that UM Financial has stopped all marketing and has a 5,000-person waiting list of people who want to switch over from conventional mortgages to ones that are sharia-compliant, said Omar Kalair, the chief executive officer of UM Financial.

UM Financial has been kept really, really busy feeding all those eager "paid" journalists all the propaganda and taqiyya that's required to get the nitwits to continue writing more taqiyya in the Globe&Mail and everywhere else. What a sad state of affairs for Canada and brought into the country by it's own financial institutions.

Note to "paid" journalists: For pete's sake, look deeper into things before writing half-baked stuff and being shills, whether knowingly or unknowingly for sharia.

Dear readers, it is in your hands to get the Dept of Finance and the Government of Canada to close down these sharia related products. Please don't let my voice be the lone voice in the darkness of this jungle. If you think these products have no place in Canadian society, then you must voice your opinion by writing to:

Minister of Finance
The Honourable James M. Flaherty
Department of Finance Canada
140 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5 or email him at:

Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
K1A 0A2   Fax: 613-941-6900   EMail: Harper.

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