Sunday, August 1, 2010

Calling Jason Kenney, Jason Kenney to the front desk please

At times like these, I don't see any difference between PM Harper's govt and the old admins of Liberal governments.  Do you?????  Both are making colossal mistakes in immigration policies, policies that will come back to bite this Conservative govt. in the next few years.  Wait and see.    How did Canada's immigration authorities deem  these Afghans could get  refugee status?

“It would be bizarre in the extreme that they would qualify as refugees,” said retired Canadian Major-General Lewis MacKenzie, adding it is “disturbing” the individuals may have been able to settle in Canada despite being on a U.S. criminal watchlist. “With the most liberal immigration methodology in the world, I would certainly hope they don’t qualify.”

more on this here from CreepingSharia blog

1 comment:

  1. Wait until we bug out of Afghanistan. I predict we will be hit with a tidal wave of Afghan refugees. It will be a social and societal disaster.


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