Monday, July 19, 2010

Pat Condell latest rant ...

and a plug for the book Muslim Mafia.   His plug worked on me....  I have now put a hold for the book at my library. 

Update:  I am mad as hell with my  public library.  My account was flagged as "problem with your account" when I tried to do a search for the book to place my hold.  As I had quite a bit in unpaid fines, I thought that could be the reason.  So.... I go and settle the account.  Then I  try to put a hold on the book Muslim Mafia .... and  not a single library in Toronto has it.  This is not the first time that I have found our libraries to be wanting.    One year ago, I had written to the librarian at my branch enquiring why Kathy Shaidle's book Tyranny of Nice was not listed and I had been told it was coming.  Guess what?  I just checked and it is still not available.   The Library is riddled with Lefties.... there is now no doubt about it.

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