Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In Gautemala: More than 150 "good" people dead. On Warships dressed as flotilla: 9 "bad" terrorists dead

Who do you cry for?  CBC crying their eyes out for the "bad" and talks little of the "good" people of Gautemala where a sink hole the size of a couple of blocks have swallowed houses and people, and is still growing. Dozens of people are still missing and rescuers are finding it hard to reach remote rural communities as the storm has cut off roads and destroyed close to 20 major road bridges and dozens of smaller footbridges.

CBC, what a blasted news channel you are. Shame on you. CTV, same goes for you too.These two stations have lost all integrity and any criticism thrown at them is like water on a duck's back. Nothing sticks. CBC is a lost cause. It's needs to be buried, and buried deep. Maybe the sinkhole in Guatemala will do the trick.

How soon the Hamas supporters and the Canadian Left who are pure Jew-haters, gathered like crows in Ottawa, cawing incessantly and jarringly and giving an earache to all within earshot. These people are an eyesore with their checkered scarfs and hate-filled cries!! And check out the loony-tunes Jews too. How delusional can one get?

And, this is totally funny!!!! Gaza supporters, totalling more than 800, tried to storm the BBC in Manchester because they were "not happy with the biased news given by the BBC" and this after BBC has been kissing muslim butts forever.

The crowd smashed the BBC's front doors, raised the palestinian flag on an elevated point of the building and were loud and cankerous as usual.... but here comes the punch line in this funny drama:

Talat Ali, 40, organizer from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign said: This is a peaceful demonstration against the attack that has taken place on the Gaza flotilla.


  1. I think this is the most appropriate comparison you've made yet. The CBC's failure to react to these two incidents in the same way is just further proof of their bias.

    Please continue to draw attention to these double standards of the lamestream media.

  2. Audrey ... I was not able to detect any snark in your comment. Either my sarcasm detector is on the blink or you really and truly agree with me, for once.


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