Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In the era of Bloggers....Lefty rags going to their 72 virgins

Who will buy the lefty rags
Their necks are on the auction block;
Who will buy all the lefty lies
Their days are now numbered;
Who will buy their stupid rubbish
Now that the truth is shining through;
Who will pay the lefty journalists
"Journalists?" *Loud Snort* !!!!

Newsweek used to make me mad as hell a long time ago, when I actually used to read the mags.  Pick up any Newsweek from any week, any year, from 1990 onwards, and see if you don't find an article against conservative values. I challenge you. Also, they love the middle east. Hopefully, Saudi Arabia or the Palestinians will buy this crap... they have been good to those two for ever so long, it's about time that that region did something good for the Newsweek employees who were kissing arab and palestinian arses non-stop for years and years and years.

Time Mag and NY Times should be next. Keeping my ears pealed to hear those marvellous death knells coming from those lefty machines. Music to my ears, baby, music.


  1. Okay Then! What if Torstar buys The National Post. Will you cancel your subscription? I like a daily newspaper because it selects the news for you so that one does not need to search for news that fits your interest, without prescreening to some degree. I totally dislike the lies and manipulation of the Torstar push.

    Torstar is so egregious and immoral that I am inclined to cancel my subscription if they buy out the National Post. I need a replacement for the Post. What and where is it?

  2. Hoarfrost - Stick with Blogging Tories. You won't need NP if it goes under the Torstar umbrella and takes a left turn, because conservative bloggers will bring you everything of importance happening in Canada and abroad.


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