Sunday, May 16, 2010

The hypocrisy of Comedy Central

In a world gone mad, it is perfectly okay to appease the cavemen and abide by their wishes because we are gutless under the guise of pretending to be defending the muslims' sensitivity. That's the truth, isn't it?   How is it okay to display games on your website, games where the association is created of Israel being a hateful murdering nation?   The cartoon has characters and dialogues which are clearly anti-Israel. There is a robot depicted in the cartoon who is named Israel and the robot destroys anything and everything in it's path, including children.   What more can be said?

This is what the Left does, dear readers. While their one hand is trying to choke us off, their other hand is busily engaged in empowering the muslim segment of our society to aide and abet in their hateful goals, without realizing that, that segment of our society will one day choke the chokers themselves.  And, what do we do?  We  bring out our very best behaviour, we pull it out by sheer force, and put on a great "politically correct"  farce.  Suicidal..... that's what most of us have become.  Have you thought of  what your inheritance to your kids and grandkids will be?  It will be slavery. no doubt about that.  Is that what you desire for your descendants?  Your silence  on the craziness going on around us is like breathing in toxic fumes which will kill your identity faster than any virus known to man.  Without your integrity and self-worth, you are just an empty shell.

What are the chances, that the link to the cartoon which is within the link above, will either not work or Comedy Central will have pulled the game off it's website ? 

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