Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Energy Saving Bulbs are nothing but crap

I lost my cool today with the outlet from where I used to buy regular light bulbs because they are no longer carrying them. Now you are compelled to buy the energy saving crap at almost 4 times the price of the regular light bulbs. For something that is hazardous to our health and well-being, we are made to shell out more money?  These days it is almost impossible to find the regular light bulbs at any of the usual outlets in Toronto. One of the sales people at the outlet told me that the retailers have been told by the almighty McGuinty's gnomes and goblins that the regular bulbs should be phased out soon and only the energy saving crap should be kept on the shelves.  She said the only stores selling the old bulbs might be the Dollar Shops.

In spite of experts warning the "powers that be" that the energy saving bulbs were dangerous and can cause a myriad of ills, our lords and masters in Canada have still gone ahead and deemed it all fine and dandy to put us in danger. We are the guinea pigs for this experiment. In a few years there will be people suing their governments for the eventual harm that will be caused by these crappy bulbs. Saving energy by killing people, saving the earth by killing people, saving the environment by killing people.... that's the loony lefty thinking.    Gawd........I am so sick of this lefty rubbish.

Doctors have warned that these bulbs can be bad for your skin. They produce a more intense light and can aggravate a range of existing problems that plague people with light-sensitivity. These bulbs can also cause severe migraines and sufferers in UK have already made complaints to the Migraine Action Association in that country.

In Jan of last year, CBC reported that: Health Canada says it is testing compact fluorescent bulbs to measure potentially harmful ultraviolet radiation and electromagnetic-field exposure levels. It reportedly started the tests in December, and preliminary results are expected by late summer or early fall, Health Canada spokesman Philippe Laroche said Wednesday.  "Even though the bulk of scientific studies to date have not identified any health-related issues, Health Canada has decided to test the bulbs to acquire reliable technical data," said Laroche. "If the tests establish that there are reasons for concern, actions will be taken to force manufacturers to correct the situation."...

Be prepared Canada. Here's my prediction. In a few years from now it will come to light, (pun intended) that the energy saving bulbs have worsened certain existing ailments in people and experts will testify to that fact. There will be a deluge of lawsuits filed in all provinces that have gone ahead with this foolhardy scheme of phasing out of the regular bulbs and forcing us to buy this crap. This has the markings of the Walkerton disaster written all over it. Good luck holding on to the few pennies left in the Parliament coffers.

For those of you using the new crap, pay heed to this warning listing which was issued by the Dept of Environment & Food, UK.


  1. I have a huge stash of normal light bulbs, in preperation for the ban. I tried the CFL bulbs indoors and found the light very hard on the eyes. Just another thing to bring back with you from a trip to the US. Light bulbs, Killex, Grub Killer, Free Speech, Democracy ....

  2. Stock up while you can on the old bulbs. I hate the new ones, and there is no reason for governments to be dictating to us what bulb we use. It's a big money making scam for GE.

  3. I stocked up too, as the new bulbs do not fit all old fixtures and lamps. I liked the idea of longer life, given my 10 foot ceiling fixtures which I can rarely change by myself, but some bulbs in low use areas have not lasted, so they lied to me. Consumer choice has to remain critical. Why are there so few Ontario conservatives now? I am happy I moved away, although our gov't sucks too with it's left turn.

  4. By choosing "winners and losers" in the marketplace, the governments have essentially aborted superior technologies like solid state LED bulbs.

  5. LEDs aren't quite there yet but they are the future. CFLs are only 4 times as efficient as tungsten bulbs and have many drawbacks (mercury, warm up period, harsh light). LEDs are 10 times as efficient as tungsten bulbs and the warm light is nice. They are still a tad expensive and their brightness isn't as strong as advertised but they are the future.

  6. Normal bulbs of more than 40 watts are impossible to get in the EU now, the new ones won't fit in many lamps with glass globes. So people are now ordering them from the non EU eastern European nations over eBay.

  7. Nothing wrong with incandescent light bulbs. They are 100% efficient, after all.

  8. Rural and right: "Just another thing to bring back with you from a trip to the US. "

    That was my plan, but I think normal bulbs are also now banned in the U.S.

  9. When we moved recently I used the GreenPower guide to check out our options. Speaking with my buying power is what I love most. More ways to do this please!
    Commercial Energy Australia Compare


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