Saturday, May 29, 2010

The conquest of New York, not by Planet of the Apes or by V .....

but by islamists, will be complete when they lay the first stone in the ground to build their mosque in the shadow of the demolished World Trade Centre. Here is Walid Shoebat, ex-terrorist, talking to PajamasTV. Politicians are helping the destruction of the countries they were elected to keep whole. Ironical don't you think, that our elected officers are themselves weapons of mass destruction of all we hold dear.

via: PJTV    Pajamas TV is becoming stronger with each passing day and will, mark my words, be a competitor to any of the MSM within a short time, including Fox.  Keep the link in your "favorites" or visit them from my list which is towards  the bottom right hand corner of the blog.


  1. You have to wonder how far our politicians will go in placating loud and aggressive groups.

    The explanation that a Mosque can NEVER be removed without all out WAR by the Muslims should be enough to deter any sensible politician, but then that's probably an oxymoron,isn't it.

    We've been searching for a descriptive phrase for our generation,like "the baby boomers",and none has ever caught on. I don't know if it's particularly "sexy" but my suggestion is "The Ball-less Generation", as that's what we seem to lack, the "Balls" to stand up to anyone.



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