Monday, May 10, 2010

Angus Reid Poll

hope the link works now. 
If it does not, go here:       the ad comes on every now and then.  The ad is very misleading.

I was jaunting along  the internet highway and found an ad for this poll at Townhall's conservative mag. online.  The results are definitely not accurate.... something fishy here.  Angus Reid poll on PM

1 comment:

  1. IrmaOrbison ... actually, I was dead serious about the poll. I don't trust these polls even with a 10 foot pole. The Angus Reid poll, when I saw it, had a question that was something like: Do you think Stephen Harper is doing a good job?
    You could vote, and I did but when I saw the results, I knew that the ad Angus Reid had put up was very fishy and very wrong.
    I tried to capture the link the way I saw the results and the outcome was the original link I posted... which didn't work.
    The second link works but does not show the poll or the results. Fishy, fishy, fishy.
    Angus Reid polls are FISHY.


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