Friday, April 2, 2010

True Confessions

Wanna know how jobs are created and executed in the civil services of Obama's America? Michelle Malkin has explosive first hand accounts from census workers that shows government bureaucracy at it's naked worst.  And, if you think this sort of bureaucracy would not happen in Canada, think again. In Toronto, all you have to do is either visit or write to the Department of Transportation and see what happens. I am talking from personal experience. Having dealt with the bureaucracy at this particular government facility, I would do my very best never again to step into another hellhole of the Ontario government's inefficiency machine. Here it is McGuinty's Ontario, over there it is Obama's kingdom of the United States.

.....The way the process has been setup by government bureaucracy is so backwards and prevents a person who is industrious and efficient from being able to work freely. Its like it is deliberately setup and complicated in process so that it forces you to work slower and equalize the amount of work that each employee produces everyday. I’m used to the situation being the harder and faster you work, the better you show yourself as a worker. This is the first job where I am encouraged to be slow and inefficient......

1 comment:

  1. Think it would not happen in Canada????

    This is the way every government agency in Canada operates.


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