Saturday, April 24, 2010

Shake your Boobies Monday

Wear the shortest skirts possible and rummage in your wardrobes for the deepest plunging, tightest fitting tops. Let's show these blasted clerics what's what. If someone at work looks at you askance, point them in the direction of the mad imams of Iran.
New York women are ready to move heaven and earth to join the "Boobquake." A worldwide protest against a wacky Muslim imam -- who claims that scantily clad women cause earthquakes -- is getting magnitude-9.0 support in the Big Apple, where women told The Post yesterday that they will flash some skin Monday as part of a female rebellion to fight back against the holy man's loony pseudoscience.

The campaign to trigger a 'Boobquake' was begun by American student Jennifer McCreight who has so far got 40,000 people to sign up to the idea on a special Facebook page (where another 150,000 have been invited) and has attracted a large following on Twitter.


  1. I love the idea of women finally coming out in peaceful protest of the oppression of women.

    Combine this event with the drawing of Mohammad day, and we just might start a quake of mockery that puts these radicals in their place. They only have the power that people give them, and being laughed at is a serious reduction of that power. Maybe next time radicals riot, bikini babes should surround them!

  2. I love the idea too, as a hetro-male. Pamela Anderson could be useful here vs her Peta seal protest.


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