Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sarah Palin: Ex-Commander of the Alaskan National Guard and Defence Force

So.... after getting used to the Left's delirious criticism of Palin, some of us now have to endure the same from our own side as well, eh?  All those who think that Palin is dumb, would you mind telling me what sort of employment you are in or what exactly was it you did before you retired? Any scientists and nobel prize aspirants among you?  No?  I didn't think so.  Perhaps the job you hold/held came close to this one, which was just one of the duties that Palin performed as Governor of Alaska. No? Not even this type of work? Then why throw stones at Palin when your own achievements and accomplishments might be direfully wanting?  Why would it be okay to say that "yeh, she quit as governor and she won't cut it as a president." Why is it okay to "sometimes" give her credit for being intelligent and then turn around and say "oh... she is so dumb and so polarising and she is anti-abortion and too religious."

What sort of a job did the present Prez of the USA hold before he found himself where he is today? Is he not polarising?  Everybody is "polarising", here I am polarising those of you in my own camp who think Palin is unelectable because I don't agree with your take and don't mince my words in telling you so. Have any of you seen Obama's records as a community organizer or as a Senator? What exactly did Obama achieve before he won the presidency? Why is it, suddenly, so very important that people are now looking at a potential presidential candidate and thinking " hmmmmm ... she is pretty, so that's not good .... she looks more like a movie star and oh, oh.... she's not a man."  Deep down, isn't that one of the  issues?  That Palin is the wrong gender to claim the WH?  I find that if you really tear apart and analyze the various negative stuff people say about Palin, it all boils down to either one or all of these conclusions:

a) She is not a male ... and it's a stretch of one's imagination to visualize a female in the world's most powerful seat. Isn't that the reason Hillary, a far, far better candidate than Obama, lost the nomination?  Or do you want to acknowledge that the "race card" too had something to do with it?

b) She is overtly religious ..... and some strange religious stuff she has said and done has been documented for all to see and laugh at;

c) She looks, sounds and talks like an ordinary stay-at-home housewife .... so shouldn't she be home baking cakes for the church fete instead of making national and international decisions;

d) She wears her love of family, country and religion on her sleeve .... and that's not okay. These are all  very private things, like the stuff you do in your bedroom. Heaven forbid that you are frank and open about your love, beliefs, hates and ambitions. Big "No" "No"

e) She sounds too frank and matter of fact ...... and we are so used to seeing politicians lie to our face, we cannot get used to this new kind of clarity of thought and openness and "tell it like it is" attitude... it's pure torture.

Palin as Commander of the Alaskan National Guard and Commander of the Alaskan Defence Force was privy to highly classified issues dealing with Homeland Security, Counterterrorism, Foreign Policy, world leaders,etc.   Also, as an elected Governor, the FBI would routinely brief her on national and international affairs. Palin is a fast learner and the knowledge she must have acquired during her briefs with these government bodies must be truly impressive.  Hey, but why give her credit for that.  We are all very much up there on world affairs,etc. maybe more so than Sarah Palin, right?!  And, Katie Couric showed us that she does not read anything of value, right?! 

Don't belittle Sarah Palin. Her credentials make your criticism look and sound very immature.....let's leave that part to the Left... they don't mind looking and sounding like new-born babes.

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