Monday, April 26, 2010

More Tales from the Cave Dwellers

It never subsides, not even for a split second. Am I paranoid or are the cavemen becoming bolder in their craziness ?

Cavemen in their cavelands and elsewhere Islamic terrorists are always looking for new ways to escape detection and carry out their attacks. One of their latest ideas is using children as suicide bombers. The growing phenomenon may soon spread beyond the Middle East to the rest of the world.

Strategies in the global war against Islamic terrorism are taking very different roads in 2010. The Obama administration hopes downplaying Islamic extremism may help when dealing with Muslim countries. Terror groups, however, are taking extremism to new levels by indoctrinating Muslim children in the deadly art of suicide bombing.

Cavemen in Afghanistan More than 80 schoolgirls have fallen ill in three cases of mass sickness over the past week in northern Afghanistan, raising fears that militants who oppose education for girls are using poison to scare them away from school.

Cavewomen in France On Friday, the Interior Minister requested the Immigration Minister look into revoking the French nationality of the driver’s husband as information he possessed showed the man was a polygamist married to four women with 12 children. “Each of these women benefit from single parent benefits and … each one wears the full veil,” Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux said in the letter seen by Reuters, adding he had asked the local authorities to look into possible benefit fraud.

Cavemen terrorising UK Hakim Benmakhlouf, who was described as a one-man ­crimewave, was behind bars last night for a violent assault on a police officer at Heathrow. Isleworth Crown Court in west London yesterday heard how the jobless Algerian had flouted immigration rules. The 28-year-old, who has a string of convictions for stealing at hotels and airports, was given the £3,000 to leave the UK. But he returned to Britain the very next day by Eurostar to continue his life of crime.

Cavemen of Iraq A series of bombings mainly targeting Shiite worshippers killed at least 69 people on Friday, officials said, just days after U.S. and Iraqi forces killed the top two al-Qaida leaders in Iraq in what was described as a devastating blow to the insurgency.

Cavemen of Gaza A group of Muslim extremists in the Gaza Strip that is opposed to Hamas has called on Al-Qaida in Yemen to target Jews there in an effort to drive them from their country - part of what the group described as its war against Jews. According to e-mails sent by a person identifying himself as Ali Hussein, who says he represents a group of Shi'ite guerrillas in northern Yemen opposed to Al-Qaida, a Salafi group based in the Gaza Strip and calling itself the "Abu Amir" group is allegedly calling for attacks on Jewish leaders in northern Yemen. As proof, Hussein sent a scanned hand-written note naming the Jewish targets in Yemen.

Cavemen terrorizing India Puja Singha, who was admitted to a local hospital Sarada Nursing Home for 2 days told the HS (Hindu Samhati) visiting team members, “I was mainly beaten up on my breast region, they stood on my breast and kicked me up.” When the correspondent asked her, who were those boys and whether she knows anyone of them? She replied that all of them were Muslim boys from Mohanpur (Chopkathalia) Masjid Para.



  1. You don't have to worry about caveman attacks spreading here!

    Dalton McGuinty will put a stop to any untoward activity, as he always has.



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