Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Karzai sampling his country's main export ?

I would think that is more than likely. How else do you account for the irrational behaviour of late. There have been lots of noises about drug scandals in the Karzai family. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Afghan president Hamid Karzai's "mental stability" is in doubt and he may even be taking illegal drugs, America's former top diplomat at the United Nations mission to Afghanistan has claimed.

In an interview with a US cable television network Peter Galbraith, the former UN deputy head of mission in Afghanistan described Mr Karzai as "emotional" and "off balance," and called for President Barack Obama vastly to limit his power to appoint officials until he proved himself a reliable partner to the U.S.

"He's prone to tirades. He can be very emotional, act impulsively," Mr Galbraith told MSNBC, adding: "In fact, some of the palace insiders say that he has a certain fondness for some of Afghanistan's most profitable exports." .... read on


  1. Now I understand why I really wanted that man to lose the last Afghan election. Perhaps we should allow him to defect to the Taliban? Good riddance!

    I don't want Canadian soldiers fighting for a country whose leader threatens to join the enemy in response to demands that he clamp down on corruption and election fraud.

  2. He is corrupt and arrogant and has been so from day one. I was also hoping that he would lose the last election.
    I feel sorry for the Afghans... they seem to be one unlucky people.

  3. I feel sorry for the families of the dead and wounded members of the armed forces who have been insulted by this thug. Don't wait until 2011...get out now!


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