Friday, April 30, 2010

Japan ... go get him ... although he might not taste as good as whale meat

but he is as big as one, anyway.
Japan's coastguard has obtained an arrest warrant for the head of radical anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd for allegedly ordering members of the group to obstruct Japan's whale hunt, domestic media said on Friday. The move comes as the International Whaling Commission tries to negotiate a compromise in the long-running row between pro- and anti-whaling countries that might allow Japan to increase coastal whaling while slashing its Antarctic hunt targets. Paul Watson, the 59-year-old Canadian founder of Sea Shepherd, will be placed on the international wanted list via Interpol, Kyodo news agency said. A coastguard spokesman said he could not confirm the report.

One of the early members of Greenpeace, Watson had a falling out with them in 1977. According to Greenpeace :
"Paul Watson's and Sea Shepherd's actions have sometimes been wrongly attributed to Greenpeace, often in an attempt by others to damage Greenpeace's reputation for non-violence." 
I let out a thunderous snort at that. Greenpeace and non-violence?!! Greenpeace's activists are as wild and dangerous as the activists of Sea Shepherd and for that matter, the same can be said of an overwhelming percentage at most protests organized by leftist groups in any part of the world.

This website has listed various kinds of damage  this man and his organization has wrought on whale and seal hunters. This link also has an interview that is worth listening to. The late Barbara Frum is heard on CBC radio in 1978 with Watson. If you listen to it, you will come away with the conclusion that he is doing what he is doing as a business, and a very successful business it happens to be.  They get millions of dollars in funds from the rich and gullible or hypocrites who want to appear to be benevolent human beings.

These kind of organizations get all those young leftists whose education is lacking and those intelligence is questionable, to work for them for peanuts. Greenpeace and this Watson character have armies of such idiots who will  do their bidding at a moment's notice. They are easily swayed with the notion of saving the earth, the whales, the seals, the worms, the maggots and  the what-have-you, and have no inkling that they are being taken for a ride by manipulative and greedy individuals who have made millions from such enterprises.

I hope Japan arrests this guy and sets an example to Canada on how we can  handle  such aggressive encounters at Alberta's oil fields and the seal hunting areas of the North.  Canada is too much of a pussy to go it alone..... IMO.

Japan... go ahead and skewer the scum.... but do it on a hot burning grill.

1 comment:

  1. Love the post. For the life of me I don't know why someone....ANYONE....would just arrest this idiot and hold him accountable for the lives he puts in danger everytime he engages in his little Boy Scout save-the-world shenanigans.


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