Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crook v/s Crooks

Fun, Fun, Fun. It's so much fun to see one crook going after other crooks. Chicago's Blagojevich is a crook who has graduated at the top of his class from the (CUCC) Crooked University of the Chicago Crooks. I thought I would be able to dredge up some sympathy for the messiah,  because I happen to be a nice person at heart, whether you want to believe it or not -  and knowing Obama was in deep pooh what with all the "eligibility" suits filed all over the USA and Sarah Palin getting under his skin and now Blago wanting to subpoena the One  as a witness for his upcoming trial, I really tried to  feel sorry for the man.  But nothing happened.  Not even one iota of pity could find it's way to my heart.... not one.

Attorneys for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich today filed a motion asking a federal judge to issue a subpoena to President Barack Obama as part of Blagojevich's upcoming corruption trial.

The court filing contained numerous blacked-out sections, but a computer glitch made them visible. (Here is an unredacted version of the motion. Click on the blacked-out sections; the unredacted material will appear below.)

Blagojevich is charged with using his office to enrich himself and close associates, including allegations he tried to sell the U.S. Senate seat that Obama vacated in 2008 with his election to the White House......

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