Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Oh oh... the Brits are feeling insulted... ooooooh that gives me the shivers

And by the world's top appeaser, that too. How can that be? Either the British are blowing their horns on a wrong note or the messiah is going out of his way to displease them. After all that kowtowing to one and sundry of the muslim world, the US Prez has no more smiley faces to sprinkle around, not even to his allies. The top 10 insults as listed by this journalist of The Telegraph, makes one wonder if Obama really hates the Brits.   If so, I wonder why. hmmmmmmmmm

Last week’s appalling declaration by Washington that the US would remain neutral in the conflict between Britain and Argentina over the Falklands, has prompted this list of the ten biggest insults so far by the Obama administration against America’s closest friend and ally. For a government that pledged to “restore” America’s standing in the world, it is doing a spectacularly bad job, kowtowing to America’s enemies while consistently kicking her allies.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Barack Obama has been the most anti-British president in modern American history. The Special Relationship has been significantly downgraded, and at times humiliated under his presidency, which has displayed a shocking disregard for America’s most important partner and strategic ally.

read the rest here


  1. You're silly. Everybody loves Obama. That's why he was elected, so that the whole world would embrace America and fall in love with Obama's brave new world! If I believed in God, his son's name would be Barak.

  2. I wonder if all the Canadians who think Obama can walk on water are beginning to see the light? While the present administration decries the lack of allied support in Afghanistan it turns its back on one of its most faithful partners. I wonder how quickly he would dump Canada if we went to war with Denmark over some chunk of barren rock in the Arctic Ocean? Would he even send us a goodbye note?


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