Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is something wrong with Canadian lottery winners .....

or is there something really wrong with me?  A woman working as a grocery store cashier wins a 20 Million lottery at Saturday's 649 draw and she tells reporters that she will keep her measly job as a cashier. Why do I keep hearing about this sort of completely odd behaviour from lottery winners? Is there something in this that I am unaware of or have aliens landed here in Canada and winning all these million dollar prizes of our earthly money means nothing to them but working to the bone does. I simply don't get it?

Will someone please tell this lottery winner that she is now a  millionairess and as such she can let go of her job so someone more "needy" than her can have one while she can enjoy an annual income of almost 800 K by just keeping her winnings in a bank?


  1. Think about it this way:

    If you win a million dollars tomorrow, what are you going to do with your time?

    Maybe you think you'll go lounge on a beach somewhere indefinitely, but that's going to get old.

    At least work gives you something to do with your time.

    Besides, if there's anything I learned from the MC Hammer Behind the Music it's that money never runs out. ;)

  2. If I won $20,000,000.00, I would be out so fast it would make their head spin. Actually, I'd probably play really elaborate practical jokes until HR fired me, then tell 'em, HA !!!!

  3. I don't think I'd quit my job over a big lottery win either. I like my job, and I enjoy not only the work that I do but the people I work for and with. I don't see how having a lot of money would change that.

  4. Patrick and Brr - there are a million and one things people can do if they win big other than keep their job which they do not anymore need. That job can go to someone else who has yet not become a millionaire, and you guys can start maybe your own little business, or take several years away from Canada travelling the world, or stop making your body come awake at some ungodly hour in the morning to trek to work, or pick a pile of books and movies to read and watch, or just find yourself.

    Geez... did I need to give you ideas? :) :)

  5. Who says she's going to work full-time?

    Besides, the model for living off a winning of say, $1,000,000 (not the figure we're talking about here) actually requires a part-time job (the idea is that you put that $1,000,000 in the bank, then never touch the principle).

  6. Patrick - depends on your life style. One mil in the bank, if invested in a high yielding vehicle, will give you an annual income of at least 40,000. So, if you have a part-time job it would mean you are working 20 hrs per week just so you can get yourself in a higher tax bracket. Makes no sense to me. I would be quite happy with whatever remains after taxes on the 40K ... but then I lead sort of a hermit's life anyway.


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