Thursday, March 25, 2010

Goodbye Mr.Frum

It's all about change.  You changed.

Frum made clear in a letter to AEI President Arthur Brooks that his departure after seven years at the conservative think tank was not voluntary.

h/t: Irene


  1. I would agree, it's not like you have to constantly spout conservative ideas, but from his recent articles, he was just very negative and I could agree with very little of what he was saying. He reminds me of the guy over at the "Little Green Footballs" who did a complete 180.

  2. When you spend 95% of your time attacking other conservatives, you lose the mantle of "conservative".

    I say good riddance to Frum!

  3. I read Frum's article on the Health Care bill and completely disagreed to the point of being embarrased. I have endorsed Frum in the past.

    His whole notion that the health care bill failed because of Rush Limbaugh is ridiculous. Fact of the matter is that those "extremists" as he called them significantly shifted public opinion. That the Democrats were audacious enough to go ahead with 34 of their own people voting against their bill is not Sarah Palin's fault. The massive shift in public opinion that has seen conservatives recently elected in Liberal state and federal elections was not because of David Frum.

    I am considering dropping the label of Libertarian from my website header. I am not proud of how my kin have been acting in recent weeks, and that includes the Fraser Institute.


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