Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dorian Gray lives in Ontario as Dalton McGuinty

Yup, that's right. The man has sold his soul to the devil. Am I the only one who thinks so? No... not by a long mile. Toronto Sun's Christina Blizzard thinks so too.
Somewhere in the dark nether regions of Queen’s Park, I know there is an even darker and more netherly cupboard..
In that space, tossed away and long-forgotten behind stacks of Choco-bite wrappers and political corpses of eHealth bosses and power company execs who’ve eaten too long and too large at public expense, there’s a picture of Dalton McGuinty

In it, much like Oscar Wilde’s Picture of Dorian Gray, the premier is grizzled and wizened. Every unclosed coal-fired plant, every broken promise not to hike taxes, is hideously etched on his face. His hair is pure white. What other explanation can there be for the way McGuinty has weathered seven years as premier so well?.....

Now, Dorian Gray wants to increase what you pay for your electricity. Oh, you didn't hear about that? You will soon... loud and clear only when you receive your bills... because that's how Dorian Gray does it.... without fear of repercussions and without an iota of guilt. Ontario is the Leftists' paradise, remember?

I wish Tim Hudak could do something more than listing the Quick Facts that Ontario's liberal govt promised and what they actually gave. Good list, though. However, we know they lie and lie and lie. The game plan now should be ways and means to get rid of the liars.

cartoons credit: Graeme MacKay,Ontario


  1. Don't blame Dalton, blame the electorate. At least recently. Remember Toronto Center elected a FORMER WINNIPEG MAYOR to its PROVINCIAL SEAT in the recent byelection. Come on now, at least the local electorate should have at least parked their vote towards the local NDP homeless advocate.

    And former Ottawa Mayor Bob Chirelli's win, was mindboggling after his clear defeat again Larry O'brian and Alex Munter in the previous Ottawa Mayors race.

    If the provincial Conservatives cannot break much past their 20 or so rural seats, Ontario will be in a world of pain in the next few terms.

  2. How many times during his first campaign victory did he run that commercial "I will not raise your taxes"? How many new taxes and tax increases has he introduced over the sum of his Premiership?

    (I don't know because I have never paid any of those taxes. I had the good sense to leave Ontario after his first budget)

    Tim Hudak should just replay Dalton's old I will not raise your taxes commercials over and over again.


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