Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Will the opposition parties do the right thing ....

or will they keep lecturing and procrastinating just so they can get back at PM Harper?  When Parliament resumes, 14 crimes bills need to be reinstated. Having a beef with the government because of the prorogation should not stand in the way of doing the right thing by your constituents and the people of Canada. When will the Libs and NDP grow up and have the well-being of the country in mind instead of constantly trying to score points against the Harper government? Instead of  bickering and lecturing at every opportunity and generally behaving like kids in a sandbox throwing sand in each other's eyes, it would be a welcome change to see these representatives of the people do the stuff that they have been mandated to do.

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson is hopeful that all parties will do the right thing and reinstate everything that was kept on ice.

And, we the people of Canada are anxious to see that none of these bills are delayed without valid cause.


  1. Let's be fair here, the bills you speak of weren't "kept on ice", rather they ceased to be through prorogation. All work done to date was for naught unless the House agrees to reinstatement.

    Will the House do so? I imagine it will... though it has not yet had a chance to make its wishes known because it is prorogued.

    Like you, I look forward to the resumption of Parliament and hope that our MPs will "do the stuff that they have been mandated to do."

  2. Private member's bills return automatically, the remainder need House agreement to reinstate. Bet'ya .50 that the Opposition opposes reinstatement of the very bills they had already passed.

  3. Who knows? Would that Parliament was sitting... we might then find out.


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