Saturday, January 23, 2010

Who is Ellie Light ?

She is probably a dark creature of the night and needs sunlight to be thrown on her. The wheels of the PR machine that brought Obama to the WH have seen their day and are now coming unhinged. About time! What follows is what investigative journalism should be all about, a thinking process that leads a journalist to fit pieces into a jigsaw puzzle and then show the  work to the readers. My bets are on the HillBuzz guys, that they will solve the mystery of Ellie Light. Bloggers are turning out to be better journalists than those newspaper hacks and the MSM have ever proven to be.

On Thursday evening, The Plain Dealer's Sabrina Eaton reported on "Ellie Light," who'd had virtually identical letters to the editor published in newspapers around the country, with most of them claiming a different hometown in each paper's circulation area.........

And the HillBuzz guys say: We’re delighted some in the media are waking up to the fact that the current administration, and its army of astroturfing trolls, has been playing them like a harp from Hell.

“Ellie Light” has been posting pro-Utopia editorials in papers across the country, using a different address each time.What she says is cut and pasted over and over again, pursuant to the PR goals of the current White House.

This is trolling, people. It’s what we’ve been trying to draw your attention to. This is what David Axelrod’s public strategies firm specialized in. It’s what the DNC and White House are engaged in, with MSM support, 24/7.....

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