Monday, January 18, 2010

Who are the actual bidders for Canwest newspaper chains ??

We must know the facts. Especially after reading what happened at FoxTV, we the Canadian citizens have a right to know who will be the ultimate buyer(s) of the segments that Canwest has put up for sale. Let's not be blind like the Britishers who have sold chains over chains of their media to the Saudi oil millionaires and whose editors are now enslaved to the Middle East's point of view and whose editorial pages and staff are of muslim origin with a muslim agenda.
Back in 2005 Saudi Prince bin Talal admitted to getting FOX News to change their coverage of the Muslim riots in France.

Covering the riots in Paris last November, Fox ran a banner saying: “Muslim riots.” Bin Talal was not happy. “I picked up the phone and called Murdoch… (and told him) these are not Muslim riots, these are riots out of poverty,” he said. “Within 30 minutes, the title was changed from Muslim riots to civil riots.”

Now the so called Prince is looking to get even more cozy with Murdoch and Co. Will anything good come out of this for us? I doubt it.
Do we as Canadians want our media to be sold to the Saudis? That would be the start of the end for this country. The worst form of islamisation comes from there and their dirty money is polluting every nook and corner of the world.

Some of you with the legal know-how will need to keep your eyes on what Canwest proposes to do if they get bids from Canadian registered companies who in turn will get questionable money to buy Canwest property. This situation with Canwest is not a good thing, all around.  Will Canwest do a thorough investigation to check the backgrounds of the individual(s) or the groups making the bids?

In the first link above, NP reports that:

Monday, a group led by former senator Jerry Grafstein went public with its interest in bidding for certain portions of Canwest Ltd. Partnership (LP), specifically, The Gazette in Montreal, The Ottawa Citizen and the National Post, which comprise the core assets of the chain in Eastern Canada.

What is known about Jerry Grafstein and his group?  Do any of the bidders have Saudi connections? It is for you the more influential and the more informative readers to find out and make public anything of an adverse nature that you find about these bidders.  I am just an armchair blogger, very insignificant, almost non-existent and without the means to investigate further than  the info found on the net.

This whole deal with Canwest makes me very uneasy.

1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting position.

    Are you aware of Canwest's previous editorial policies - not just hinted at, but acknowledged - vis-a-vis coverage of Middle Eastern news and issues related to Israel?

    You appear to be concerned about ensuring the accuracy and objectivity of journalism. If so, what were your view on Asper's editorial direction to his media network?


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