Monday, January 11, 2010

Totally useless wind farms

h/t: Irene

All they do is kill thousands upon thousands of birds. Where's that useless PETA when you need them? Another lefty moronic idea is probably making a headlong dive towards the garbage bin, much like all such ideas coming from same sources.

The cold weather has been accompanied by high pressure and a lack of wind, which meant that only 0.2pc of a possible 5pc of the UK's energy was generated by wind turbines over the last few days.

Jeremy Nicholson, director of the Energy Intensive Users Group (EIUG), gave warning that this could turn into a crisis when the UK is reliant on 6,400 turbines accounting for a quarter of all UK electricity demand over the next 10 years....


  1. Unrelated to wind farms, I know how you like to accuse me of being a male chauvinist because I don't think Palin should run for President in 2012. Tonight I shook hands with my Mayor Pam Goldsmith-Jones, a lady that I voted for to run my city. If you ever get the chance to meet Pam, she is a wonderful lady!

  2. Just because someone doesn't support Ms. Palin doesn't make them anti-female. I like her straight talk (although committees of death was way over the top) but I'm not sure I like her knee-jerk reaction to many issues and I'm still not convinced that she would prefer a role as a politician over that of being a celebrity.
    When it comes to female politicians I truly admire Danielle Smith of the Wildrose Alliance here in Alberta. She is intelligent, charming, very media savvy, and politically astute.
    It is possible to support, or not support, a woman politician simply on the basis of her philosophy rather than on her gender.

  3. Money is the ultimate magnet to people that we credit with more sense than others. We will have to wait and see if Palin stops thinking of becoming ultra rich and takes on the task of renewing the USA.


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