Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sarah Palin debuts on Fox ....

with Bill O'Reilly


  1. So DISH, girlfriend - you're curiously silent. What did you think of your heroine's performance?

  2. Balbulican - the expectations were probably great, so I did not think much of her performance. But, I will give her points for learning to be a true politician. She avoided a straight answer when O'R asked her if attacking Iran would be the thing to do now.
    She is learning to skirt around and do the "circle" dance as becomes a politician.

    Not admirable for a fan like me who wants to see her talk straight all the time. However, if that is what will get her to be the first woman Prez, then so be it. I can deal with it.

  3. I still haven't figured out entirely how much you're kidding and how much you're for real.

    But here's an honest comment. I frankly do not think that "learning how to avoid a straight answer" is a very good thing, for a Democrat OR a Republican OR a Liberal OR a Conservative. If that's what you're now praising as a positive step in Palin's development as a politician, I
    think you should set your sights a little higher.

  4. No Balbulican - I don't think that learning how to avoid a straight answer is a good thing either. However, I do realize that being a politician means not giving a straight answer. That's why we hear the phrase "You will make a good politician" when people come across a person who is not a straight shooter.

    I was expecting Palin to be consistently a "no bull-shit" kind of woman.
    Well, it's still early in the game to judge the direction she is taking. Let's wait and see.
    Never make judgements prematurely. They always tend to go wrong.

  5. Palin seems ironically out of her element.

    She talks about how left-wing media commentators are intimidated by the "common sense conservatism" and "solutions" she represents.

    But as a journalist, it's now no longer her job to implement those solutions. Rather, it's her job to comment on the problems. She can certainly offer solutions if she wishes, but they're reduced to mere suggestions.

    If she wants to really provide solutions, she needs to seek elected office.


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