Sunday, January 31, 2010

The reason why we like Jason Kenney a lot

Remember how the MSM were criticizing Minister Kenney for not bringing in the orphaned adoptees into Canada pronto?

This is the reason why Kenney, wise man that he is, did not jump the queue and did not let anyone pull his strings.
In addition to outright trafficking in children, authorities have voiced fears since the quake that legitimate aid groups may have flown earthquake orphans out of the country for adoption before efforts to find their parents had been exhausted
As a result, the Haitian government halted many types of adoptions earlier this month.There are no reliable estimates of the number of parentless and lost children at risk in Haiti's quake-shattered capital
And, how about that foolish Liberal leader Ignatieff saying things like we "should broaden the family class category and speed Haitian immigrants entry into Canada". Jason Kenney is again 100% correct in not opening the flood gates to this kind of immigration without all the processes being done fully and completely. As much as my heart goes out to the people of Haiti, emotions should not interfere in making sure that the Haitian refugees and immigrants coming into Canada are who they say they are and not some common criminals, who unfortunately make up a staggering percentage of Haitians.


  1. I have met Kenney, he is a really competent friendly individual and deserves more kudos from us for a tough job well done.

  2. Are there not a group of Americans under arrest for trying to smuggle kids out of Haiti.

  3. Yeah MaryT - 10 people from a Baptist church group got arrested in Haiti. I am sure these people were just do-gooders and too impatient to get the kids out of Haiti.


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