Friday, January 8, 2010

The kindness of muslim towards muslim.... there is no par

Shame on non-muslims for not following suit. See the beautiful example being set in Somalia, and learn from it all ye nasty, bad, immoral Christian folks. When it comes to muslim generosity and goodwill, everybody else has to take a backseat.  On another note, the Left have been making a big noise about the convoy of  200 or so trucks laden with goodies going into Gaza which encountered some delays due to "form filling" regulations but nary a peep will be heard about muslims harrassing muslims in Somalia.  No sirree!!!  Not gonna happen.  Wanna bet?   Of course, if there were  Jews in the vicinity of Somalia then we would hear loud banshee cries from the left loonies.  Typical of the hypocrites.

While people in North America obsess over what they can take on an airplane (books, thankfully, will be permitted), nearly one million hungry people in Somalia are losing their major source of food aid because of terrorist extortion. The United Nations World Food Program is suspending its deliveries indefinitely, and who can blame it?

The militants in southern Somalia demanded a supposed security fee of $20,000 every six months. They ordered that women be barred from working on food aid, that their approval be sought for all projects, that any celebrations to mark Christmas, or International Women's Day, or World AIDS Day, be banned. The UN agency would have been turned into a social-service branch of al-Shabab, a group linked to al-Qaeda, if it had said yes to these conditions. To say no would have been to risk deadly reprisals. Instead it is closing six of its offices, and will try to supply more food across the border in Kenya, expecting that hungry people will leave the country.

1 comment:

  1. So here we have a Muslim ( terrorist organization) who screams at the US ( the most generous aid contibutor in the world) and calls the US the Great Satan , while starving their own people !

    You an only be a Muslim terrorist not to see the irony in this situation !!!!


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