Thursday, January 21, 2010

"I believe in racial and ethnic profiling" says US Sen. Inhofe

Common sense and straight talk is coming back. It is never too late to save ourselves and our culture from going to the dogs, literally.

h/t: Irene    "I’m, for one - I know it’s not politically correct to say it - I believe in racial and ethnic profiling. I think if you’re looking at people getting on an airplane and you have X amount of resources to get into it, you get at the targets, and not my wife."


  1. Maria,

    Why am I not surprised that you would support Inhofe? hmmm, you have explicitly stated your support violence and oppression.... you have admitted that you have a very limited grasp of and knowledge of societal and global issues... you support the US Presidential candidacy of someone who is uniquely unqualified for the role...

    Oh well, supporting an ignorant, racist, hyper-partisan, fire-brand US politictian is completely in character.

    I expect that you are proud of your position in these matters. I wonder if Patrick Ross will put his two bits in to support you this time around.

    Where's Waldo

  2. Waldo - you made my day. When a leftie criticizes me, it sends a tingle up my leg.


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